The Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty is organizing throughout France:
La 13e semaine de l'Industrie "Avec l'industrie, fabrique ton avenir"
From November 18 to 24, 2024
Far from clichés, industry is a dynamic sector undergoing in-depth transformation to meet major societal challenges: the industry of the future, the ecological transition, digital technology, gender diversity, the role of women, the circular economy... Industry is moving forward and innovating to adapt to the challenges of production and national sovereignty.
Industry offers jobs to meet everyone's needs: housing, food, healthcare, transport, culture... There are over a thousand jobs to discover in research and development, production, quality, safety and the environment. Careers here are exciting, formative and well-paid.
For secondary school students, apprentices and jobseekers, this new edition will be an opportunity to discover an innovative sector, committed to decarbonization, rooted in the territories and useful for the essential needs of the French (health, energy, mobility, food etc....).
In Normandy, the Agence de l'orientation et des métiers is co-organizing Industry Week in partnership with the DREETS and OPCO 2i.
Related events
As part of this Industry Week 2024, My Future and the region's industrial branches are organizing:
Virtual meetings
From Friday, November 08, 2024 to Friday, January 24, 2025
Get your students involved in virtual meetings with industry professionals from the Normandy region!
From November 8, 2024 to January 24, 2025, discover companies, professions, career paths, shatter preconceived ideas about industrial professions and allow your students to ask their questions via chat, from the computer room or classroom.
More than a dozen Live Métiers and live Virtual Tours will enable your students to discover the companies and trades in industry in the Normandy region.
All events are free of charge, check out the program at

The Agence Régionale de l'Orientation et des Métiers and its partners (professional branches, Filières d'excellence and companies...) look forward to seeing you at the next stage of Métiers en Tournée
📆 Tuesday November 26, 2024
Wednesday November 27, 2024
📍Espace le Conquérant - Rue du Victor Dupont - 50240 Saint-James
Forindustrie, l'Univers Extraordinaire is a metaverse, like a video game, that provides a fun and collaborative way for collégiens, students, with their teachers, but also to adults seeking guidance accompanied by their advisor or trainer.
This event is being organized as part of Industry Week. From November 15, industrial professions will be in the spotlight in Normandy! A key event for career guidance and information, Industry Week returns to Normandy in 2024 with a rich program of visits and meetings, but above all with this new feature: the great Forindustrie challenge!